Week I -- Stepping into Being

Here's the Recording link
  (for streaming audio).


or to Download the Recording  (mp3 file).
And here's the Transcript link
  (PDF for download).
AND here's a little homework help --->>>>
  (or click here for the direct video link).

   Week II -- On the Threshold

          Here's the Recording link
               (for streaming audio).

May 14 -- Week 2.mp3

          or to Download the Recording
               (mp3 file).

          And here's the Transcript link
               (PDF for download).
<<<----AND here's a little homework help
      (or click here for the video link).

Week III - The Emotional Plane
Here's the Recording link
  (for streaming audio).


or to Download the Recording (mp3 file).
And here's the Transcript link
  (PDF for download).

AND here's a bit of reflection:  Lassie, Shape-shifting Demons, the Goddess, and Desire.  See what you think     --->>>>
  (or click here for the direct video link).


And some video extras . . .

Here's a page of links to a TEDx program built around the Hero's Journey:

Here's a page of excerpts & related links to Bill Moyers' series on Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth:

There's even a film (out on DVD) about the Hero's Journey, "Finding Joe" -- here's the trailer:

Week IV -- The Thought Plane

Here's the Recording link
  (for streaming audio).


or to Download the Recording
  (mp3 file).

And here's the last 8 minutes at the end where the recording goes silent -- (mp3 file),

or streaming audio (last 8 minutes):

May 28, 2013 -- part 2.mp3

AND the transcript (an expanded version -- much more than what is in the recorded call -- download it here.

Here's the PDF hand-out of the
"Ten Meditation Tips for People who Can't Meditate" alone (they're included in the transcript) -- download here.


 Week V -- The World of Spirit
Here's the Recording link
  (for streaming audio).

June 4.mp3

or to Download the Recording
  (mp3 file).

And here's the Transcript link
  (PDF for download).

AND here's a homework thought  --->>>>
  (or click here for the direct video link).

Week VI -- Awareness
          Here's the Recording link
               (for streaming audio).

June 11.mp3

          or to Download the Recording
               (mp3 file).

        And here's the Transcript link
               (PDF for download).

<<<----AND here's a little homework help
      (or click here for the video link).


Week VII--Healing/living all levels
Here's the Recording link
  (for streaming audio).

June 18.mp3

Or to Download the Recording (mp3 file).
Here's the Transcript link
  (PDF for download).

AND a little video sharing from me regarding the homework.  --->
(or click here for the direct video link)

Week VIII--Mastery/Two Worlds
         Here's the Recording link
               (for streaming audio).


Or to Download the Recording (mp3 file)
         And here's the Transcript link
               (PDF for download).

<--- And a few final video thoughts. 

(or click here for the direct video link).

Special Bonus Module !!!
9 Steps to Manifestation
for streaming audio:

9 Steps to Manifestation.mp3

Or click here to download the mp3 file.
(Right click the link and choose "Save Link As")
("Control" click for Mac users).
Here's the transcript (PDF download).

And a few final thoughts to get you started -->
   (or  click here for direct video link)

Bonus Q & A Calls!
September 15, 2013
For streaming audio:


To download the mp3 file, click here.

To download the transcript, click here.

October 13, 2013
For streaming audio:


To download the mp3 file, click here.

To download the transcript, click here.
