The Kwan Yin Journey: Get unstuck, Heal your life, and Live your Dreams.
Yes, that's quite a claim.
But that's exactly what this program does. We are generally living shadows of the lives we could be living. We are, as Don Miguel Ruiz puts it, asleep in the Dream of the Planet, accepting as ordinary and settled a world that is simply not who we are and could be.
We don't have to remain so. Time to step up.
The Energy Alignment
This program began as an accompaniment to "The Reconnection," a two-day process to realign the body's energy with universal energy, then expanded to an Energy Alignment that could be performed via distance healing. Each line is traced, each calibration point cleared, expanding the body's energy. Then, these points and lines are reconnected to the energetic ley lines of the earth and the energetic axiatonal lines of the universe, raising one's vibration rapidly. The effect is to put us quickly on our life path, as we've then a more direct correspondence to our highest selves and the divine.
This initiates a positive transformation over about two months. While that's good, the ride can be a little rough sometimes, as old forms rapidly pass and new opportunities come into being. What may seem to be falling apart is later seen as things falling into place.
I figured there had to be a better way. So "The Kwan Yin Journey" is the fruits of that effort, a program to . . .
1) help people make this transition more smoothly,
2) enable people to make the most of this opportunity,
3) and to help readjust to life after the Energy Alignment.
The program will prove helpful at any stage near the Energy Alignment -- before, during the two month period, or after -- though ideally done during or close to that.
Getting Started: Why are we stuck? How do we get unstuck? How can we start getting what we want?
The good news is that none of this is as hard as we typically make it. But it does mean first taking a good look at what we're currently doing, and understanding that before something changes, we will have to change ourselves.
Why we're stuck, What keeps us stuck, and How to get unstuck -- in 9 Steps
12 Misperceptions about the Law of Attraction -- and what to do about them
OK. So who has had this energy Alignment? What are they saying? How did this work for them?
"I had three amazing distance healing sessions from Tim Emerson a couple weeks ago, and it's crazy how things are clicking into place all throughout my life. There was some upheaval at first, as you'd expect, and then bam bam bam, every day brings a new healing, a clicking into place, a new insight. It's so damn good when we treat ourselves to help from other people, what? Tim, in my opinion, is the healer's healer. I so highly recommend you get in touch with him for a chat if you're open to the idea of distance healing. He sets the bar VERY HIGH. Wow. I'm booking another."
~ Alex Baisley -- Guelph, Ontario;
"So much continues to reveal itself and I feel I am conscious of only the tip of the iceberg, but nevertheless, I can say that the effects have been profound and incredible! Not only have I slept well, with no anxiety and no effort, since the night of the second treatment (which is truly miraculous, believe me), but I feel a pervasive ease and relaxation I don't remember feeling since I was a kid. And that's just a little bit of what I've noticed. My meditations have been incredible, a symbolic intelligence that I never had access to before seems to be awakening, a sense of being supported multi-dimensionally prevails, and I feel balanced, deeply resourced, happy, and creatively and cosmically inspired. Your work is amazing! Thank you so much. I can't wait to see how this continues to unfold. ♥"
~ Lauren Worsh -- Seattle, Washington;
"I love Tim's down to earth approach and authenticity. You easily sense the peace that emanates from him and feel he really cares about people. Since the energy Alignment, I feel myself vibrating literally and having a stronger sense of self. And I know it's just the beginning. It's that second wind I needed to propel myself further and live purposely."
~ Amelie St-Pierre -- Coquitlam, British Columbia;
"Tim, that distance healing you performed on me 2.5 weeks ago certainly moved something as I've been working like the energizer bunny ever since. I thought I had some energy before but that was nothing compared to how I'm working in my lab, doing markets, and even some cold calls!! I thought perhaps it would wear off after a couple of days, but noooooo. Whatever you shifted !! THANK YOU !!"
~ Colleen Lowe -- Oakville, Ontario;
“I can't believe how fast everything is moving
since Friday after the sessions we have started. I have been getting news
(treatment plan I wanted) I wanted, and necessary things are happening (Monday
I got pet scan which is a good thing to do before I leave) & moving
forward. I feel I can finally go with the plan that universe has presented me
after months of dark & lonely days which was necessary to get to this
point. Thank you so much for your
amazing work. I'm leaving to Japan sometime next week for few months. I hope I
can do distance healing even I'm there if I need to. I feel I can finally be excited about life
and choices. I certainly think the
sessions with you have lead me to such a smooth speedy path since and we have
been happy and feeling lucky that things has moved in this direction and be
able to find the right help at the right moments. Thank you.”
~ Tomomi Y. -- Syracuse, New York
“Because of the energy Alignment, it helped the time be right to unwrap what had been wrapped up for centuries. Before this, I was pretty discouraged, about everything in general. Now, I’m beginning to be very happy. Something’s happening, and it’s only good. Possibilities are opening up. Possibilities of going someplace else. Realizing that I CAN go somewhere else. It’s OK to. You know, you work 40 years, toward a goal, and the goal is in sight, and you realize ‘I can shuck all that because it doesn’t matter.’ Leave all the baggage, trust in the universe, you’re not going to fall when you jump off that cliff. Possibilities can go on and on. I haven’t been happy in a long time, and you don’t even realize you aren’t until you suddenly are.”
~ Pam W. -- Syracuse, New York
"I have worked with healers and with healers of healers. However, I can say that I was amazed by the work that Tim does. I could feel the energy and it was so loving and so very healing. I cannot say enough about Tim and his amazing gifts. I encourage you to book two sessions with Tim. You will be so happy that you did."
~ LaTresa S. -- Springdale, Arkansas
* You'll get 8 weekly modules, each including a audio recording of the module material (which you can listen to online or download the recording) and a transcript (often with extra material) of that session.
* You'll have three one-on-one distance healing sessions with me -- an initial healing session, followed by the two-session energy Alignment. In each case, we'll set up a call, and have an opportunity to talk first, answer any questions, see how you're doing. I'll hang up during the session, then call back so we can discuss how it went for you and anything else you'd like to address.
* You'll be invited to join the private Kwan Yin Journey Facebook page, where you can meet and talk with others who have been through this Journey and who are going through it now.
* You get immediate access to the "Welcome" page, where you can schedule your initial healing session and the two session energy Alignment (both come free with the course).
* You'll receive the first of the 8 weekly course modules, the others delivered weekly.
* So here's what the program covers . . .
The 8 week plan: Crossing the threshold, Raising vibration, and Living with powerful change.
Week I: Stepping into Being We cover the 7 levels of being and examine our ordinary world. What are the "Dreams of the Planet" we accept without realizing this? What are our Hidden Worlds? What is the nature of our energy and our perceived reality? Why do we cling to it, and what would it take to move us beyond? We will grow and change anyway--the key is, do we grow haphazardly around obstacles in twisted, stunted ways, or do we remove obstacles and grow as our nature intends for us? We begin with the tools we will need for this journey.
Week II: On the Threshold
We begin our journey at the slowest vibration, the physical world, and raise it continually throughout the program. How is the world a mirror of ourselves, and how can we use that smokey mirror? How do we move the Law of Attraction from a nice idea to physical reality? We begin true self-discovery, especially of our Hidden Worlds. How do we bring spiritual energy into daily physical existence? How do we overcome restrictions and realize Abundance? How can we recognize, read, and use the spiritual information available to us every moment of every day? We begin to raise our vibration.
Week III: The Emotional Plane
Myths and realities about the Astral Plane. Joy as our natural state; how to read our emotions--and what to do with them. The process of Initiation. Trials and discovering our opposite. Harmonization and assimilation. Temptations and our Demons. The role of Other. Finding At-one-ment. Removing debris to allow fresh growth. Facing ourselves, and making amends. The role of desire--myths and purpose. Emotions as reflections of thought.
Week IV: The Thought Plane
We are not our thoughts. Separating ego from being. Meditation toolbox. The role of justice and mercy. Apotheosis and the Nature of Wilderness. Thought myths and addiction. Our quests and the quality of thought as ceiling on universal boon.
Week V: The World of Spirit
Reality of the Spiritual World. Opening ourselves to our stories and realizations. Adjusting to reality as frequency, energy, and vibration. We are never alone. Nature of our spiritual experiences. Finding one's spiritual path.
Week VI: Awareness
Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, and the Death of Ego. Living in the Vortex. Breaking old agreements. The nature of divinity and angelic forms. The Buddhic Vision. The Bodhisattva. The Spiritual Warrior. Refusal of the Return. Myth of the Magical Flight. Rescue from without. The Oversoul.
Week VII: Healing and Living on All Levels
Crossing back. Putting all the energies together. Continuum and Unity. Perspectives on Healing. Review and Renewal.
Week VIII: Mastery of Two Worlds
The return. Freedom to live. Sharing the elixir. Rebirth. Peeling the onion. Living heaven on earth. Continued coaching.
"Before The Reconnection I felt as if I were chasing after life in general….. trying to keep up with all my responsibilities. I was fragmented in my approach and efforts and feeling spread too thinly for everything that was “on my platter”.
"After The Reconnection I am definitely more
calm and at peace with the way things are. I can focus on objectives and
carry through. One of the early exercises that had us write down the list
of what we wanted and why, Why, WHY…. resulted in my learning that ultimately I
wanted what I wanted because it would bring
peace, abundance, and LOVE to every situation."The exercise in class which
had us consider addictions as habits, really got my attention. After my auto accident I had fallen into the habit of not
tackling a not-so-fun project by saying I did not feel physically up to
it. I realized that it was a habit that was no longer valid because I was
physically able to do it…. I just did not want to. SO… that changed in a
hurry. I have tackled it and continue to make progress!
"I enjoy a renewed appreciation of nature
and can honestly be grateful for living in this time and age when we must take
action to preserve our planet. I am an activist for Freedom from Fracking
(shale extraction
of natural gas)! I have more compassion in every
situation and do not feel judgmental toward people or situations. This
lightens my whole existence by allowing me to separate myself from the weight
of others’ choices and actions and just observe them. I do have feelings
and opinions, but not judgments. It’s a new way of looking at life.
"One thing that I treasure is the feeling of
oneness with Source. The entire Reconnection process and training has
allowed me to deepen my spiritual beliefs and reaffirm that the name of one’s
religion carries no weight with the Energy of the Cosmos. I know that I
am a co-creator of my life because of my oneness with Source. Thank
you, Tim."
~ Carol R. -- Ithaca, NY
"Tim, thank you for these weeks--it has been really Real. Before my reconnection last fall I did not know I had choices. I was absolutely stuck in a place I did not want to be and not even knowing that. But having a choice is sometimes nearly too much. Like in the Virgin's Promise, I find myself at that point where I do not fit either world. Very stressful and in my own "severely emotional time." The choices seem to be the frying pan or the fire.
Being able to read your sessions is a lifeline. The morning ritual is my favorite thing to take away. I am using the Teachings of Abraham Well-Being cards. Is pretty cool how often a card for the day is what you are teaching. I have added to the "Please put in my path the people that can help me" prayer, a "Thank you for helping me recognize them." Otherwise I very possibly would ignore an opportunity. I received a request to teach a class in doll making for next June!! I do NOT teach, speak or appear in front of groups, or know how to even begin such a job. BUT, because of this I am listening and actually thinking about it. That in itself is HUGE. Thanks is insufficient for what you have done these 2 months, I know everything will eventually work out for the very best, soooo.... Thank you."
~ Pam W. -- Syracuse, New York
“While it is difficult to put into words all that occurs with healing, I feel compelled to share some insights from our prior session. The energy at the time of the healing was kind of a nice, fuzzy, warm ...I think I said it felt like being home. But in the days that followed, there is a sustained energy flow, one that has the point between my eyebrows and my crown chakra burning with quite the intensity. There has been tingling and sensation in the heals of my feet, up through my spine and somewhat in my arms and hands. Certain digestive complaints seem ameliorated. Fears about getting back into this work are dissolving. And I am looking forward to the work ahead.
What started as a simple birthday gift to myself to get a healing with Tim, has turned into a pretty amazing journey of taming my negative ego and waking up to the fact that I am the predominant creator of my life. Little by little (well, sometimes in big chunks) I became aware of how my negative ego manifested itself as a pretty big yolk of ' I am not good enough'. It displayed itself in many ways but my lack of communication was the worst. So I began to work on my own intuitive communication with myself and was pretty shocked at how much I don't listen to that guiding inner voice--like, "wear socks for your run." Nahh, it's warm out, I don't need 'em. Halfway through my run (which also serves as a spiritual practice) I can think of nothing but my cold toes. It was an AHA moment, because I how could I expect to get answers from the Universe, my Higher Self on larger issues if I wasn't going to listen about wearing socks?
Next came learning to express my feelings to others verbally. Sounds easy enough unless you are a passive-aggressive stuff-it person like me. Each week though, with each healing it got easier and easier. I would come up against a situation and my inner voice would remind me to not suppress my emotions. The other part to being able to get unstuck here was that we were all working that 2nd agreement ( don't take anything-anyone- personally ) and it allowed a tremendously safe environment to express in. My third biggest negative ego battle was asking for help. There are still quite a few skirmishes on my playing field with this one, but I made a break through last week and after the phone call, my energy cleared. There is so much more that has happened in these last 8 weeks: I began
running, I stopped drinking wine, I am peaceful, happy, energized, contented, I lost 20 lbs, I have a renewed relationship with myself, my spirituality, with my daughters and with life in general."
Reconnective Healing Session w/Client Testimonial
Distance Healing with Client Testimonial
"It felt serendipitous -- I had a sinus
infection, felt terrible, and was supposed to present at Kripalu the next day.
Your offer to do some work for me was something I absolutely wasn't going
to say no to. When you feel sick and a talented healer offers to work on
you, if you turn that away, you're telling the Universe you want to suffer.
As a healer, I trust you -- I trust your intentions, I trust your integrity,
and I trust your honesty. I don't know what you did, but the next
morning, I was on a plane. The next morning, I was much better than I had
expected to be. I wasn't expecting to get up at 4 a.m. and book a flight.
After working with you, I had a recovery that was highly surprising to
me, in its breadth and rapidity. I would say to anyone that if had the
same problem I did, that if they knew of you and your work, they should reach
out. "
~ Howard Jacobson, author "Google AdWords for Dummies" – Durham,
North Carolina;
received many different forms of energy work over the years, some of it face to
face and some of it long distance, but I'd never received reconnective
healing until I did a distance healing with Tim. We chatted a bit first
and then disconnected and I went to lie down while he did his thing. He
called back when he was done. When I first lay down I was worrying about
what I would tell Tim if I felt absolutely nothing. Well I didn't have to
worry about that for long. About 10 seconds in I felt a strong sensation
in my solar plexus area which slowly started to spread throughout my
body. I felt very warm and tingly and I felt HEAVY. So heavy it
felt like I couldn't move my body even if I wanted to. The 30 minutes
passed very quickly - it felt like about 5 minutes. Just before Tim
called back I started to feel lighter and I wondered if the healing was coming
to an end. I felt deeply rested when it was done. I was truly amazed
to feel so much from a distance. The healing was as profound and in some
cases more profound than healings I've had done in person. I highly
recommend you try it!"
~ Barbara Pearce – Montreal, Quebec;
very picky about who I let work on me. I felt completely comfortable with Tim.
The distance healing session was unusual and distinct in how immediately
physical it was. There was no sense of things happening far off, or somewhere
in a distant, rarefied place. It was immediate, visceral, and felt like it was
happening right in the middle of my energy body/physical body. I felt my spine being stretched and flexed in
all different directions for what seemed like a while. I also felt a lightness
and opening in my thyroid and thymus glands. The experience was soothing and
relaxing overall. After I was done my feet were extra flexible. It felt like
I'd had a long foot massage. An intermittent ache, which I had been
experiencing in my thyroid just prior to the session, has never returned, and
it's been 4 months since the session. I felt internally quiet and clearer
headed after and have been experiencing greater emotional well being, mental
productivity and peace since the session.
While the session was happening it was very direct, wakeful, and deeply
restful, like being in a deep trance. When it was done, it was D-U-N done. No
residual energy. No sense of having to shift my orientation to "fit"
anywhere, or make sense of anything afterwards. It was all very professionally
conducted. Much gratitude, Tim!"
~ Janina Na – Oakland, CA; Salas
